wîhkwêntôwin School Council
The École wîhkwêntôwin School Council provides a means for parents and others in the community to be collaborative participants in school-based decision making. In the School Council parents, community, administration and staff come together to promote the well-being and overall effectiveness of the school community. The School Council provides input into the development of the school’s:
- mission, vision, and philosophy,
- policies,
- annual education plan,
- annual results plan, and
- budget.
Its main role is advisory.
The School Council has the opportunity to hear regular reports on school programs, extracurricular activities, promotion strategies, etc. It advises on school activities ranging from science fairs to sports and has input into budgeting and educational planning.
School Council meetings will be posted on SchoolZone.
Nellie L. McClung Educational Society
All parents of students attending Nellie McClung also automatically become members of the Nellie L. McClung Educational Society. The Society was the originator of the program concept and continues to function for the benefit of the Nellie McClung Girls' Junior High Program.
The Society is responsible for choosing and for providing limited financial assistance to families for uniform and other expenses, for fundraising and for developing business partnerships. We need parents to act as volunteers for various school activities, particularly for CEEDS activities, school trips and special events. For more information, visit http://nelliemcclung.epsb.ca/NLMES.html
NLMES meetings will be posted on SchoolZone and take place at either Oliver or Avonmore schools. Please see the NLMES website or SchoolZone for specific dates.
wîhkwêntôwin/Oliver Parent Advisory Association
The OPAA is an incorporated society with the purpose of providing a means for parents and community members to provide additional financial resources and volunteer support to the school. Its main role is fundraising and volunteer coordination. The OPAA’s fundraising and volunteer activities have supported the following:
- Artist in Residence programs
- Classroom field trips
- Student Chrome Books
- Whole school swim program
- Smart Boards
- School agendas
- Mathematics manipulatives and much much more!
OPAA meetings will be posted on SchoolZone.